Sorting is one of the most important tasks in computer science.
Whenever you want to search efficiently in large amounts of
data, the data should be sorted. Google organizes websites for
fast access, on shopping websites you can sort results by any
criteria and the whole backend of the internet with its various
databases uses sorting for fast data access. There are countless
sorting algorithms with specific advantages and disadvantages,
all of which are objects of research in theoretical computer
This project allows to visualize, compare and evaluate different
sorting algorithms ranging from Introsort over Cyclesort up to
Quicksort in real-time and in various scenarios. With the help
of freely configurable parameters, different scenarios can be
easily tested. For example, the number of available threads can
be varied, or the copying and comparison effort can be adjusted.
All sorting algorithms have been self-developed in modern,
high-performance C++ and can be used as C++ templates freely for
other projects if desired.