
f = f(f)

July 2021

What is »good« and what is »bad«? How should one live his life? What is the purpose? Does this or that really exist? What does it mean to talk about this or that? What does it mean to understand? Can one really understand? Where does one get the certainty that something apart from himself - including others - really exists? These are questions about one's own life, all related to the belief in an Archimedean, absolute point. The belief in possible objective knowledge, in a real reality. When Albert Camus states the principle „[...] the way of acting of an honest person must be determined by what he considers to be true [...]“ [1, p. 7], then it is clear that an honest person needs truths as objective anchors. But then the question arises, for this person, where these anchors can be found. A recursive Head

What is »good« and what is »bad«? How should one live his life? What is the purpose? Does this or that really exist? What does it mean to talk about this or that? What does it mean to understand? Can one really understand? Where does one get the certainty that something apart from himself - including others - really exists? These are questions about one's own life, all related to the belief in an Archimedean, absolute point. The belief in possible objective knowledge, in a real reality. When Albert Camus states the principle „[...] the way of acting of an honest person must be determined by what he considers to be true [...]“ [1, p. 7], then it is clear that an honest person needs truths as objective anchors. But then the question arises, for this person, where these anchors can be found. Exhibition

The consequences of no objective reality which is accessible to us do not lead to a numbing nihilism and a lonely apathy, but absolute freedom and responsibility, a new non-dogmatic sense of values for religion, aesthetics, art, science, and other world views. Finally, the dizzying term provides a non-dogmatic approach to the meaning of life, in the spirit of Albert Camus' eternal revolt. A new sense of value, a new self-awareness of one's constructive nature emerges.

[1] Albert Camus. Der Mythos des Sisyphos: Ein Versuch über das Absurde. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1999.