Projects – Publications – Exhibitions

A Calculus for User Interfaces
Coming 2023

Preview Image of A Calculus for User Interfaces
Between Painting and Reality
Coming 2023

Preview Image of Between Painting and Reality
Obsidian Plugin – Laws of Form
A Laws of Form Obsidian plugin
August 2023

Preview Image of Obsidian Plugin – Laws of Form
This plugin adds to the note-taking app »Obsidian« the ability to transform linear Laws of Form bracket expressions into their familiar two-dimensional graphical representation.
A Calculus for User Interfaces
Speaker – Pforzheim
April 2023

Preview Image of A Calculus for User Interfaces
Ⓞ Laws of React
A Laws of Form React library
December 2022

Preview Image of Ⓞ Laws of React
This lightweight and fast react library allows you to convert laws of form to interactive and graphical representations.
React RASA Plugins
Chatbot Window / TTS & STT
November 2022

Preview Image of React RASA Plugins
Lightweight React libraries to bridge the gap between React and the conversational user interface framework »Rasa«
LoF22 Talk
Speaker – Liverpool
August 2022

Preview Image of LoF22 Talk
In 2022, the presentation showcased a visual and intuitive simulation technique for capturing the dynamics of Laws of Form through a cellular automaton. The emphasis was on simplifying the understanding of Laws of Form, particularly aimed at beginners. The focus wasn't on philosophical implications but rather on providing a user-friendly entry point. The presentation included demonstrations of simulating fundamental concepts like a full adder and segments of reentry within the cellular automaton framework.
Cellular Laws of Form
Laws of Form simulated with a cellular automaton
April 2022

Preview Image of Cellular Laws of Form
The paper demonstrates how to simulate visually and intuitively the dynamics of Spencer-Browns Laws of Form using a cellular automaton.
TEDx Talk – Exploring Limits
Speaker – Karlsruhe
October 2021

Preview Image of TEDx Talk – Exploring Limits
In my TEDx talk of 2021, I explored the fascinating convergence of AI and design, challenging the traditional perception that creativity is exclusively human-driven. During my bachelor studies, I conceptualized a paradigm-shifting approach to automating design processes using AI and genetic algorithm techniques.
Graduation Show
Exhibition – Pforzheim
July 2021

Preview Image of Graduation Show
f = f(f)
The selfreferential construction of reality - a journey through 250 pages
July 2021

Preview Image of f = f(f)
When Albert Camus states the principle „[...] the way of acting of an honest person must be determined by what he considers to be true [...]“ [1, p. 7], then it is clear that an honest person needs truths as objective anchors. But then the question arises, for this person, where these anchors can be found.
Laws of Form Simulator
A simulator for George Spencer-Browns Laws of Form (1969)
June 2021

Preview Image of Laws of Form Simulator
This simulator offers several functions to get an intuitive understanding of the dynamics of Laws of Form.
Exhibition – Pforzheim
March 2021

Preview Image of SENSEMAKING
A stochastic manifesto
Why do you know our world. Cyberspace does not understand the state...
March 2021

Preview Image of A stochastic manifesto
Based on stochastic calculations from a database of 500 techno-anarchist manifestos, a single, repetitive mantra emerges after 20650 iterations: »Why do you know our world Cyberspace does not understand the state...«
A socio-economic utopian space
July 2020

Preview Image of Epistemia
Epistemia was a temporary three-day socio-economic utopian space created together with Theo Gomes and Joshua Burghardt in which free thought, participation, and discourse were the three pillars of this utopia.
Keimzellen A.K.T
Exhibition – Pforzheim
July 2020

Preview Image of Keimzellen A.K.T
DNA Synthesizer
Transform DNA to music
July 2020

Preview Image of DNA Synthesizer
Listen to the pure information of any kind of DNA interpreted as a piece of music. This web app was developed to allow you to rise above being a determined product of DNA and be an interpreter and composer converting our biological blueprint into a piece of music.
Epidemic Simulations
A simulator for epidemiological models
July 2020

Preview Image of Epidemic Simulations
This project is a web app that simulates a variety of common epidemiological models. Epidemics can be modelled mathematically in order to make forecasts and, if necessary, take countermeasures in time.
Narrative Economics
A cellular automaton simulating the spread of narratives
July 2020

Preview Image of Narrative Economics
This web app was specifically developed to simulate the dynamic system behavior of narratives in society using cellular automata and mathematical modeling. By using cellular automata, in which the individual cells are able to represent character values such as political views, skepticism, liberalism, or existing knowledge through mathematical modeling, it is possible to simulate this complex system behavior in a simplified way and thus get a feeling of how narratives spread in society.
A concept of a reality database
May 2020

Preview Image of »Wirklichkeitsdatenbank«
For every predicate there is a negation - so there is also one for every personal opinion, for every opinion and for every world view. Assuming that one's own reality also consists of one's opinion, one's personal attitude and one's own view of the world, we have to admit that with nearly eight billion individuals there can certainly be more than one reality...
World Dynamics
Jay Wright Forresters cybernetic world model in JS
May 2020

Preview Image of World Dynamics
The cybernetic world model of Jay Wright Forrester, the founder of system dynamics, published in 1971, attempts to predict the future growth of humanity. Population, natural resources, environmental pollution, agricultural, and capital investment represent the five levels that interact through complex feedback loops in order to fully describe global human growth and quality of life.
Brainwaves to Art
Realtime transformation of EEG data to selfreferential art
February 2020

Preview Image of Brainwaves to Art
This application can algorithmically convert brain waves into real-time art. For this purpose, algorithms in the field of signal processing were developed for a commercial electroencephalogram to process the raw data, obtain the frequency bands (alpha, beta, theta, etc.) as well as the origin of the brainwaves in real-time, and then transform them into dynamically generated art.
Design for the real world
Panel Discussion - Pforzheim<
January 2020

Preview Image of Design for the real world
VDID Congress - Intelligenz der Zukunft
Speaker – Stuttgart
November 2019

Preview Image of VDID Congress - Intelligenz der Zukunft
The talk at the VDID (Association of German Industrial Designers) in 2019 delved into the rapid evolution of AI and its profound impact. The utilization of AI posed a significant challenge, as it questioned the existing fabric of our lives. The question of whether artificial intelligence would eventually rival human creativity was raised.
Co-Designing Object Shapes with Artificial Intelligence
Conference Paper
November 2019

Preview Image of Co-Designing Object Shapes with Artificial Intelligence
Workshop for »DEMONCRACY«
Exhibition – Pforzheim
October 2019

Preview Image of Workshop for »DEMONCRACY«
Dutch Design Week – IF NOT WHO, THEN US
Exhibition – Eindhoven Netherlands
October 2019

Preview Image of Dutch Design Week – IF NOT WHO, THEN US
Milan Design Week
Exhibition – Milan Italy
April 2019

Preview Image of Milan Design Week
Elle Decor Italia
April 2019

Preview Image of Elle Decor Italia
ARTificial Intelligence
Automation of the design process
February 2019

Preview Image of ARTificial Intelligence
This project (back in the year 2019) investigated if AI is capable of inspiring designers by suggesting unexpected design variations, learning the designer's taste or being a co-creation partner. To do so we created several AI and genetic algorithms, which can be trained by a small sample set of shapes of a given object, to propose novel shapes.
Automated IoT Home Garding System
Smart automation + Gardening
February 2019

Preview Image of Automated IoT Home Garding System
With the help of this fully working self-developed greenhouse, the soil moisture, air humidity, soil temperature, air temperature and illumination are fully automatically supervised and regulated with the help of the specially developed control technology.
Towards Artificial Intelligence Serving as an Inspiring Co-Creation Partner
Research Article

Preview Image of Towards Artificial Intelligence Serving as an Inspiring Co-Creation Partner
Ringing Image
A tool to convert images to sound
July 2018

A digital image is first of all that: digital. A sequence of binary distinctions, which has nothing inherent except that binary distinctions may or may not be followed by further binary distinctions. That we can call something digital, an image is because a technical device in interplay with us gives these distinctions an interpretation. But there is no reason not to create other forms of differences based on the digitally available data...
Sorting Visualization
Yet another CS project
June 2018

Preview Image of Sorting Visualization
This project allows to visualize, compare and evaluate different sorting algorithms ranging from Introsort over Cyclesort up to Quicksort in real-time and in various scenarios. With the help of freely configurable parameters, different scenarios can be easily tested.
Exhibitions – Pforzheim
2018 – 2020

Preview Image of Werkschau(s)
Retro Game for the 8 Bit Vectrex Arcade Console (1982)

This project is a complete retro game for the arcade console »Vectrex« released in 1982. The 8 bit console has 1 KB Ram, 4 KB ROM and 1.5 MHz clock frequency. The screen is a monochrome CRT monitor (combined with a plastic overlay for static colors), which inserts additional timing and drawing constraints due to its relative positioning of the electron beam